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Showing posts from October, 2016

Superman Superpain

I'm sure every single pole dancer at some point of their pole journey wished to get a perfect Superman. And by that I don't mean to find a super attractive boyfriend to show off their fantastic pole skills to :) Superman is a pain. Literally. When I tried it for the first time it felt like my skin was burning and freezing at the same time. Every attempt left fresh bruises that just wouldn't go away. Not sure what is wrong with this particular trick. It takes ages to find a spot that doesn't hurt like hell, but then it miraculously stops being painful and you're sweet just hanging there for ages. At least that's how it was for   me . I managed to hold the move fairly quickly after I first started working on it. It didn't look too bad either, but damn, the pain was unbearable! You can always keep a poker face and pretend that nothing is going on, but if it hurts then the move is not well executed. I do realize now, that the problem was in my body positi...