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Showing posts from 2019

Branded Polewear: For and Against

So, I've been thinking about this for awhile. Is fancy polewear really an asset or just a way to suck out your money? During my pole journey I went through two phases, but can't say that either point of view is right or wrong. At the very beginning of my pole journey I didn't care much about my outfit. Not that I could not appreciate how pretty proper pole gear looked on other girls, but thought that I needed to get better before showing off in a shiny new top. I had a feeling I hadn't yet deserved cool polewear, since my best move at a time was a wobbly Butterfly. Another reason against it was a price tag, we all know how expensive good quality pole gear can be. It's just so easy to find cheap, relatively comfy pole stuff that wouldn't cost you a fortune, a simple choice between 4 - 5 sets of cheap tops/shorts, or just one  set from a fancy brand. Poling in cheap as stuff was totally fine and never really hindered my progress, though I must admit, I badly ...