So, I've been thinking about this for awhile. Is fancy polewear really an asset or just a way to suck out your money? During my pole journey I went through two phases, but can't say that either point of view is right or wrong. At the very beginning of my pole journey I didn't care much about my outfit. Not that I could not appreciate how pretty proper pole gear looked on other girls, but thought that I needed to get better before showing off in a shiny new top. I had a feeling I hadn't yet deserved cool polewear, since my best move at a time was a wobbly Butterfly. Another reason against it was a price tag, we all know how expensive good quality pole gear can be. It's just so easy to find cheap, relatively comfy pole stuff that wouldn't cost you a fortune, a simple choice between 4 - 5 sets of cheap tops/shorts, or just one set from a fancy brand. Poling in cheap as stuff was totally fine and never really hindered my progress, though I must admit, I badly ...
I decided to start this blog to show that whatever your level is, you can always improve if really willing to do so. I'll show my progress of the moves I've been working on, as well as splits, handstands etc. Being not a very flexible person myself I realised it is possible to improve overtime, not as fast as most of us would like to. I hope my experience will inspire some of you on your pole journey and give confidence that anything is possible