Something extraordinary happened just about a week ago, after more than a year of struggle, I suddenly got my Deadlift.
It is really hard to believe :)
Just as usual I halfheartedly tried it without any hope for success, just as a part of my training where I did 2 - 3 attempts during every practice session. And "Holy Shit! What just happened?!" I did it! I would like to say something inspiring about me consistently practicing, conditioning, doing complimentary training and stuff, but that's not quite true. It just happened. There was no getting closer day by day, or even clumsily making it happen for the first time. Deadlift turned from non-existent to quite a decent looking in just that one session.
I never tried an aerial version before, as obviously thought it would be harder than doing it from the ground, but decided to give it a go anyway, cause why not? And it worked marvelously! To be honest I thought I was just deceiving myself, doing something wrong or cheating. So I tried a couple more times and it worked again. So I filmed it to make sure I wasn't hallucinating.
The only reason I can think of that really helped was a 2,5 week break with zero exercising involved. Maybe, that is what was needed, to just stop and take a deep breath, before throwing myself back into more intense pole training. However, there were some minor changes to my usual routine, that might have had an impact on my body. First of all, I started taking silks classes once a week. Not much, but I felt like some new muscles got involved in the process. Another helpful thing was a resistance band I got from Rubberbanditz, that was initially purchased to assist with my stretching . I could barely lift myself using the band as an extra support, but gained a general understanding of what it feels like, and how heavy my bum is :) I suppose a combination of all of the above made it happen.
For me personally, it is a huge step up. There are so many epic combos I always drooled about, unable to try, because they all involved a Deadlift. Now I can finally start tapping into them. Boosting my confidence was very nice for a change too. I've been feeling like a potato sack in the last few month, with no progress happening, and pole goals list for the year not getting any shorter.
At this stage no variations to the very basic static pole Deadlift are possible, trying it on a spinner resulted in a miserable fail, heavy bum issue persists here, but there is hope for future progress. At this stage the plan is to gradually build up my strength and not overdo it. It would by very unpleasant to lose all this progress due to unfortunate injury. So despite my natural scepticism my spirits are up and I'm ready for the new pole adventures!
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